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Registration Closed
Phd Workshop Registration/Paper Submission
The conference is preceded on Wednesday 3rd September 2019 by a PhD workshop, where pre-selected PhD students will be invited to present their papers or projects. Faculty and senior researchers from Alliance Universities will provide feedback, as well advice on research, publications, and careers.
To apply for the PhD workshop you must be an enrolled PhD student at the time of the conference. To apply for a place, you must submit a draft journal article length paper or a detailed research proposal via EasyChair, making sure to state clearly at the top of your document that this is a PhD paper/proposal.
For questions regarding the registration process please contact oxford2019@sustainablefinancealliance.org.
PhD Travel Scholarships
The Conference Committee is delighted to announce 10 travel scholarships for PhD
candidates sponsored by UBS.
In addition to the conference fee, the travel scholarship will cover the cost of economy class flights to the UK and accommodation in an Oxford college for the duration of the conference.
PhD researchers from all over the world are welcome to apply these travel scholarships. To qualify for consideration, you must be a pre-submission PhD student at the time of the Conference (3rd -5th September 2019).
This opportunity is not limited to candidates at GRASFI Member Universities. We actively encourage submissions from researchers in lower-income countries.
We will also prioritise applicants that have successfully secured a place at the PhD
Workshop on the 3rd September.
3-6 September 2019
Oxford, UK
The Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment