/call for papers
Paper Submission closed
The Conference Committee accepted 40 high quality papers for the conference with each paper having a 30-minute speaking slot. Papers were presented in sessions organised by asset class or a cross-cutting theme. Within each session papers came from different disciplines to foster inter-disciplinary collaboration and learning.
Papers were presented over 14 conference sessions.
Draft session themes were:
Innovative methods and datasets (e.g. geospatial analysis, big data, machine learning etc)
Insurance and Reinsurance
Cognition and Behaviour
Listed Equities
Corporate Governance
Nature and Biodiversity
Environmental performance and credit quality
Pension Funds
Financial Regulation and Supervision
Sovereign Investors (SWFs, state-owned banks etc)
Infrastructure Investment
Stranded Assets
Six paper prizes were awarded at the discretion of the Conference Committee:
GRASFI Best Paper Prize (sponsored by BNP Paribas Asset Management) - £3,000
GRASFI Best Novel Methods Paper Prize (sponsored by UBS) - £1,500
GRASFI Best PhD Paper Prize (sponsored by the CFA Institute Financial Analysts Journal) - £1,000
GRASFI Best Paper Prize for Research on Sustainable Investment (sponsored by the CFA Institute Financial Analysts Journal) - £1,500
GRASFI Best Paper Prize for Research on Climate Finance (sponsored by Imperial College London) - £1,500
GRASFI Best Paper Prize for Research that Supports Central Banks and Financial Regulators to Green the Financial System (sponsored by INSPIRE) - £1,500
New Prizes and Deadline Extension
On Monday 4th March 2019 we were pleased to announce two new paper prizes that are to be awarded at the conference:
Best Paper Prize for Research that Supports the Implementation of the One Planet Sovereign Wealth Fund Framework
Best Paper Prize for Research that Supports Central Banks and Financial Regulators to Green the Financial System
At the time of writing, we have already received a large number of papers. However, we want to maximize the opportunity for scholars to be considered for these new prizes. We therefore announced a deadline extension to Monday 15th April 2019.
The value of these new prizes will be confirmed shortly, as will the sponsors. Papers already submitted for the previous deadline (Friday 1st March 2019) will be automatically considered for these new prizes.
Call for

3-6 September 2019
Oxford, UK
The Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment