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New Research Frontiers for Greening the Financial System: INSPIRE workshop
Tuesday 3rd September - 09:30-17:30
The Queen's College, University of Oxford, High St, Oxford OX1 4AW, UK​
The International Network for Sustainable Financial Policy Insights Research and Exchange (INSPIRE) is an independent network purpose-built to commission insights from best-in-class scholars and analysts in all parts of the world. As well as commissioning new research, INSPIRE also seeks to communicate the results widely and convene researchers, policymakers and practitioners. The focus of INSPIRE is on the research challenges facing central banks and supervisors as they work to identify their role in responding to environmental challenges, such as climate change.
In April 2019, the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), an international coalition of 30+ central banks and supervisors, published its first comprehensive report on the state of practice, identifying key priorities for future action, including a range of research questions. INSPIRE along with GRASFI have been chosen by NGFS to be Global Research Stakeholders.
The aims of the workshop are:
first, to provide an opportunity to explore the NGFS’ research agenda in-depth;
second, to share knowledge and experience from across the INSPIRE network, including from its first call for research proposals;
third, to generate useful insights for both policymakers and researchers: a synthesis report will be produced and published in October.
With the research gaps to be filled becoming clearer to central banks and the research community, it is now time to drill deep into the critical issues that need further exploration. To this end, the workshop will address one specific central issue from each NGFS workstream as well as a critical cross-cutting priority.
This event is by invitation only. To register interest please contact INSPIRE@climateworks.org.

3-6 September 2019
Oxford, UK
The Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment