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One Planet Sovereign Wealth Fund Research Forum
Tuesday 3rd September - 14:00-16:00
Seminar Room A, Säid Business School, Park End St, Oxford OX1 1HP, UK
The One Planet Sovereign Wealth Funds Research Forum was established in partnership with GRASFI on the 10th July, with inaugural meetings taking place at the Élysée Palace in Paris. The One Planet Sovereign Wealth Funds initiative was formed in December 2017 to accelerate efforts to integrate financial risks and opportunities related to climate change in the management of large, long-term asset pools. The group consists of six SWFs, with $3tr under ownership. This group has since established the One Planet Asset Managers initiative, through which eight leading global asset managers with $15tn under management are collaborating to support the implementation of the One Planet SWF Framework. This Framework includes 12 recommendations based around three guiding principles:
Principle 1: Alignment - Build climate change considerations, which are aligned with the SWFs’ investment horizons, into decision-making.
Principle 2: Ownership - Encourage companies to address material climate change issues intheir governance, business strategy and planning, risk management and public reporting to promote value creation.
Principle 3: Integration - Integrate the consideration of climate change-related risks and opportunities into investment management to improve the resilience of long-term investment portfolios.
The Research Forum aims to support the One Planet SWFs by identifying and facilitating rigorous and impactful research projects relevant to the implementation of the One Planet SWF Framework, as well as providing training and capacity building for One Planet SWF members.
This GRASFI side-event will focus on developing a concrete research agenda in collaboration with members of the One Planet Sovereign Wealth Funds and Asset Managers relating to the three pillars of Alignment, Ownership and Integration, as well as allowing participants to share knowledge and experience of existing research relevant to the implementation of the Framework.
To register interest in this event please contact elizabeth.harnett@smithschool.ox.ac.uk.

3-6 September 2019
Oxford, UK
The Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment